Logotipo Tecnocontrol Servicios
Logotipo Tecnocontrol Servicios
Tecnocontrol Servicios construirá y mantendrá durante 15 años una central energética de ´District Heating` en el nuevo Txomin de San Sebastián

Tecnocontrol Servicios will be responsible for the operation and maintenance during 15 years of an energy power station of ´District Heating` at New Txomin in San Sebastián


The neighbours of Nuevo Txomin in San Sebastián will have a sustainable power plant that will supply them with hot water and heating services through a District Heating system. A building capable of generating sustainable energy for its inhabitants at a lower price and reducing by 80% the CO2 emissions that would be generated in this municipal area.


The City of San Sebastián has awarded the JV formed by Tecnocontrol Servicios and Ferrovial Servicios the execution and maintenance during the following 15 years of facilities devoted to provide service to 1,458 homes and heat more than 104,246 sqm.


logotipo Grupo SanJose